
Cheat Meals As An Active Person

Are Cheat Meals Ever Okay?


Published: 2024-08-01

Cheat meals are used by many as a definition of an unhealthy meal, but what qualifies it as cheating? Do you have to be dieting in order to be cheating your nutrition?

What Are Cheat Meals?

Cheat meals are meals that tend to be higher in calories, and most likely in carbohydrates and fat content too. These can be considered large meals that you treat yourself after a strict food regimen or just a snack that is out of your norm. It can be defined differently for different people. A body builder who is currently cutting might consider a banana a cheat meal with the higher calories and fruit sugar compared to other fruit, but a "regular" exerciser might consider the big birthday dinner with cake for dessert as theirs.

For me, a cheat meal is something that deviates from my current plan. Whether I am bulking, cutting, or maintaining, it is something that wouldn't fit in. Usually, this tends to be meals when we go out to eat since those meals are much more calorie-dense than when I cook at home. However, someone who eats out every night and have dessert on a consistent basis would not call this a cheat meal, it is simply part of their regular routine.

Is It Okay To have A Cheat Meal?

Yes! It is okay to have a cheat meal every once in a while. However, what you eat during it and how often you do it will determine your weight and potential performance gains. Are you exercising consistently and are eating healthy at least 80% of the time? Yes, treat yourself to a cheat meal. Are you currently struggling with weight and nothing seems to work? Still, treat yourself to your friend's birthday dinner. Just make sure you try to get back on track afterwards (or at least seek out help if you are unsure of what to do, but know you want a change).

Cheat Meal Strategies

If I know I am going out to eat on Friday, I make sure that I am a little stricter during the week leading up to it. For example, I might eat slightly less calories each day so that I can have those extra ones on Friday. Or I might make sure that I have a good cardio session that same day to burn some extra calories. Perhaps add an extra walk in the evenings that week. My suggestion would be though to not get lost in the "I ate bad one meal so now I might as well eat bad all weekend and start on Monday"-idea since this will most likely cause you to regress and will not technically be a cheat meal, but 2-3 days of falling off.


Whether or not your cheat meal is a large pizza or just a popsicle after dinner, while you eat it, make sure that you enjoy it. It wouldn't be worth it if you didn't. You can get back on track afterwards, or even have planned for it in advance. So if you are going to go for it - enjoy it guilt-free!

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